Hussain Siam (Forts.)

They came back about 3 times after this first visit and Hermann Schmidt spoke English and so he and Paul Schäfer would visit Jamil Siam at the post office in Jerusalem and developed a relationship with him. Paul Schäfer asked Jamil Siam about his son Hussain and if he would consider sending him to Germany for higher education. Schäfer promised Jamil Siam that they would educate young Hussain Siam (15 and 9 months) at the time in highschool and then send him to college. Jamil Siam was delighted with this opportunity to send his son to receive an excellent education in Germany and since he did not have enough money at the time to put him in a private school or college in Jerusalem he gladly accepted. So my father was sent to Germany where he studied in the Gymnasium for 1.5 years until he and 300 German boys were sent to Chile. They told all the parents that they were sending them on a vacation to Chile."

Hussain’s own account of his escape:

“My first escape attempt was in 1966 in the summer. I was alone and ran away at night. I walked 5-10 miles, and swam across the river at night. I was so determined to escape the colony that I didn't care that it was the middle of the night and so I made it across. I was scared in the woods, it was dark, no lights, and I was worried about wild animals. On the other side of the river I walked on the bank of the river and then uphill all the way 5-10 miles away where I made it to a farm house. I walked into the farm house and hid in the hay. I was paranoid all night looking through the straw afraid they would find me. The next day the farmer woke me up when he came in the barn where the hay was. I told the farmer the whole story of Colonia Dignidad; about the torture, the slavery, and everything evil that was going on there. The farmer told me that he suspected that something was wrong with the group but that nobody could do anything about it. He gave me some money all he had so I could take the train to Santiago and complete my escape. He walked me up the road to show me the way to where I had to walk to the main road which led to the train station. I walked and not long after about 20 of the Germans came after me in a Mercedes truck and caught me. They were laughing and asking me where I was going. They said: “Don't worry everything is all right.” I was shocked and very scared but they left me alone that night. The next morning at 5 am they abruptly woke me up from my sleep and took me into the woods. They used metal rods and engine belts and beat me so hard that I couldn't see anymore. I was bleeding and bruised and blacked out from the heavy assault on my body. They then put me in solitary confinement for a month and I was beat up every day.”

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