Hussain Siam

While I was researching Gudrun and Wolfgang Müller’s life and love story suddenly another voice from the past makes itself heard: It belongs to Hussain Siam.
In 1960 Paul Schäfer together with Hermann Schmidt und Hugo Baar made a pleasure trip along the Mediterranean coast of North Africa and Israel. There they befriended the family of Jamil Siam, who worked in a post office in East Jerusalem. Schäfer took a fancy to Jamil’s 15-year old son Hussain and offered him highschool education in Germany.

Never before the story of Hussain Siam has been told. So, when his son Jamil Siam –named after his grandfather– mailed me news about his father I decided to include the e-mail-correspondence with father and son Siam in the book. This website presents additional aspects not told in "Unser geraubtes Leben".

Jamil Siam: “This is how my father first came into contact with Paul Schäfer:

Hussain met Paul Schäfer on the morning of June 1960. Paul Schäfer was with Hugo Baar and Hermann Schmidt and they parked their Mercedes on the side of the road near my grandfather Jamil Siam's house. My father was returning home from visiting his uncle and saw them and asked them if they were tourists. Paul Schäfer, Hugo Baar and Hermann Schmidt were together, he spoke with them and they said they drove down to see the view of Jerusalem from an open area and take pictures from the country side. Since my grandfather lives in a beautiful area, Silwan in East Jerusalem just a few minutes’ drive from the old city, the vantage point was perfect for some shots. Hussain invited them to come in and meet his father Jamil Siam. They came in and my grandmother made them tea and traditional Palestinian breakfast which they loved. They took pictures with Hussain and his family and told my grandfather they were on a vacation to see the Christian sites and so forth.


Letzte Änderung am 08.11.2016 um 14:17 Uhr.

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